What is the Future of Virtual Reality

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Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment or a person's physical presence in this environment

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At first, it was limited to video games and movies, but now, thanks to the rapid development of technology

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Google just bought a Virtual Reality Company and Microsoft is developing one as well

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Virtual reality is one of the most exciting things we can look forward to in the next few years

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Virtual reality (VR) is an experience that is created using software and presented to the user in a way that emulates the real world

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VR is starting to be used in other industries such as real estate, medical, and government.

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Many of us have already seen the potential of VR and are already excited about what the future holds

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VR is a technology that combines computer technology, advanced software algorithms, and engineering

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Virtual Reality is still a young technology and it is exciting to see how it has already been used in our everyday lives

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