Scientists have discovered crucial clues about the solar system

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A sample of an ancient asteroid contains crucial information about our solar system, according to a new study.

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They found crucial clues about our solar system that we didn't know before. This is a huge discovery that could change everything.

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The findings suggest that the asteroid, which crashed into Earth about 466 million years ago, was part of a class of objects known as L-chondrites.

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These objects are thought to be the remains of a huge protoplanetary disk that surrounded the young sun.

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The data provide scientists with new information about the formation and evolution of our planetary system.

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The study published in Nature Astronomy presents findings from Japanese Hayabusa2.

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The mission was conducted in 2019 by the Japanese state space agency JAXA to retrieve samples from the asteroid Ryugu.

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The findings suggest that the asteroid may have been formed in a similar way to Earth's moon.

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This means that Ryugu's particles can help scientists understand how the earth became habitable.

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By studying these particles, we can learn more about the conditions that were necessary for life to develop on our planet.

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