10 things to do before changing your domain name


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Make sure you have a solid plan for your new domain name

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White Lightning

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Once you have a shortlist of potential names, check to see if they're available as domains.

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White Lightning

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Consider your audience. Who will you be targeting with your new domain name?

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White Lightning

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Avoid using hyphens or numbers. These can make your domain name difficult to remember and type.

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White Lightning

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Choose a .com extension. This is the most popular and recognizable extension.

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White Lightning

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If you're having trouble coming up with a name on your own, there are some great tools out there that can help.

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White Lightning

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Once you have your new domain name, make sure to secure the matching username on all the major social media platforms.

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White Lightning

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Once you have your new domain name, you'll need to update your email address to match.

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White Lightning

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Once you have your new domain name set up, make sure to redirect your old domain.

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White Lightning

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Changing your domain name is a big deal. Make sure to celebrate your new website.

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White Lightning

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