10 Metaverse Games You'll Be Playing In The Next 5 Years

Images from News and Social Media

The next five years are shaping up to be an incredibly exciting time for gamers.

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

Here are 10 of the most exciting metaverse games that you'll be playing in the next 5 years:

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

1. Red Dead Online

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

2. Fallout 76

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

3. The Elder Scrolls Online

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

4. Destiny 2

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

5. World of Warcraft

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

6. EVE Online

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

7. Second Life

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

8. Star Citizen

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

9. Elite: Dangerous

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media

10. Project Sansar

White Lightning
White Lightning

Images from News and Social Media